Nonetheless, the weekend indeed contained all of those wonderful things that I love so much PLUS torrential rains. Hoorah! What more could a girl ask for?

Besides the usual goodness, I also got a visit from my Mother in Law who came to town for the weekend. We went on the hunt for pink things to wear to the Pink Out at the football game in support of breast cancer awareness and also some much needed galoshes/wellies. Our hunt took us all the way from Wally World to Bloomingdale's. My MILs hat is lovely, no? Corny hats call for corny pics if you ask me.

FINALLY at the 11th hour we found rain shoes. Just in time too, it rained through the ENTIRE football game on Saturday. And when I say "rained" I guess I should specify that I mean we stood under heaven's waterfall for four hours. A newspaper article I read stated that we got 7 inches of rain on Saturday and that it was "the wettest day in Orlando since 1950." Awesome. We should win Super Fan awards for sure.

Well we won the game and actually had a really fun time in the wet weather. A warm breakfast was definitely in order the next day. We actually sat outside in the rain again. Cant get enough! :)

What? I'm just the most precious baby of all time? Oh, ok. As long as you admit it! I swear I just don't know how these pics sneak in here.

Besides our rain gear shopping, we saw a lot of wonderful CHRISTMAS decorations this weekend. I seriously love it when there are Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations all out at once in the stores. I want it all. I actually decorated my office for Halloween this year (which I never do) and I can't wait to bring in the Happy Harvest decor in just 3 little weeks. CHRISTMAS HERE WE COME.
Happy Monday yall. Do anything fun (or dry?!) this past weekend?

What I want to know is how you fit in baked goods all the time and still stay skinny??
Heyyy stacy! I literally don't think I could've done that with you in the rain. Teeny gets cuter every freaking day.
Shells - note the post on running and power yoga.
Ray - your face does.
I love the pic of Staci in her pink hat!!! Also love the nitro shirt- it made me laugh.... No, he's MY boyfriend.
Sounds like a great time was had by all.
sounds like a successful weekend to me!!! the pink out game sounds awesome..
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