This was us pre-run on Saturday:

And this was us 4 miles later enjoying the fruits of our labor.

On Sunday I finally cashed in a Christmas gift from my sweet husband (yes you read that right, it was 10 months later and right when I needed it!) for some free yoga sessions. Listen. They call it Power Yoga for a reason. That class kicked my butt; I seriously don't think I can remember a time when I sweat that much. I have done a lot of yoga in my day but it has been a few moons since I seriously practiced. There were a few moments when I literally laughed out loud at some of the moves that crazy Yogi wanted us to do.
I have a feeling my body is going to be VERY ouchy for the rest of the week. But it felt good to get out and Mov it Mov it. Besides kicking my own ass, I got to spend Saturday afternoon eating key lime pie, playing boccie ball in the park with my hubs and then enjoying a lovely dinner and some college football (Go Bucky!). I have to say, it was pretty perfect.
All in all it was a pretty fantastic weekend. I am definitely counting down the days until the next one. Did you do anything fun this weekend?

power yoga is serious stuff for sure!
You inspired me to run for the first time in over a month! Go tash and teeny!
Yay, I love to inspire you. Wish you were here to run with me. I am so demotivated to run alone (even with teens).
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