Upon re-looking at these items, I feel my love of distressed, floral patterned, romantic items really makes me look like a 70 year old lady. Woopdie. I don't care. I still want all of this.

Also these are cute AND creepy and yes I was Christmas shopping in September.

And I DID buy this very un-grandmotherly fabric because it was way too pretty not to buy, even though I don't YET have a plan for it. I'm thinking of trying it in my wedding shadow box. Crazy? Maybe. Perfect? Maybe also.

You should be very glad there is nary a picture frame on this list. I seriously have a problem. My name is Mrs. Ford and I am a picture frame addict. Good thing I have so many great photos. :)
What have you been shopping for lately?

That football troll is one of the odder things I have ever seen!
Theyre SANTA not trolls ma, you are too silly.
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