I don't think it was a coincidence the sweets and I were married one little week before Easter two years ago, and as we have celebrated our anniversary over the past two years (you know, because we've been married for two sold years, NBD) I have been excited both years to keep the party rolling into Easter celebrations. Last year we went to the House of Blues Gospel Brunch and then took a boat tour around Disney. It was dreamy.
Well, this year I tried to pre-empt the holiday with a little homemade decorating magic. I janked this Pinterest DIY burlap wreath tutorial and put my own little Spring twist on things. The best part about my burlap Easter wreath is that it is holiday interchangeable! I already have a black and gold football wreath in the works... what? Is it too early for football?
The tutorial suggesting hot gluing velcro to all of the rosettes so that you can change them out for pink and red valentine's flowers, etc. but my smartypants husband suggested pins and I think this works even better (plus it was way easier).
I had definitely planned to include different styles of "rosettes," more white flowers, and even some embellishments like buttons on the flowers but I a) got lazy b) just wanted to see this thing done and c) was running out of time to display this baby pre-Easter. I think it turned out great though and it was super simple to make. Can you see the pins? Smarty pants husband!
As Easter is right around the corner I thought I'd share a little inspiration/motivation with you to get your morning going: "Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up" - Galatians 6:9.
Ooops, how'd this get in here??
Have a great day!