Anyhow, I stumbled across this photo/recipe on Pinterest over the weekend and I We seriously dropped everything (aka laundry, hanging out with our dog and reading) to run to the market for the 3 ingredients needed to make these Strawberry Shortcake Freezer Pops. Well folks, it was worth it. If it is all snowy and wintery where you are, then perhaps wait until summer, but seeing as how it was in the high 70's and we had spent the day at the dog park, this was the perfect weekend snack.

PLUS, I got to use my baller new food processor that the world's most amazing brother gave me for Christmas. BONUS. So alls you do is blend up some nilla wafers in your processor. Dump some in the bottom of some dixie cups (the recipe says to mix this in with the yogurt but the idea of that texture kind of made me want to vomit).
Next you dump in some of your favorite yogurt. J went with strawberry (wise choice) and I tried out the soy vanilla. I was fearful this wouldn't freeze right, but it did my friends. And I was pleased. Next you let this layer freeze for abour 40 minutes.
While that's freezing you get to use your food processor again for the strawberries. Florida strawberries are truly impostor berries of the sweet nectar of heaven California variety so we had to add a little agave nectar. Whatever floats your boat, am I right?
Let that freeze, throw on some more yogurt and top with more crumbled nilla and you have got yourself a dreamsicle. These solidified after about 2 hours but even the half frozen ones were DELICIOUS and so easy. We couldn't for the life of us find popsicle sticks so we went with these weird BPA free potato-plastic spoons. They were alright to use, but if you have the sticks I would probably recommend using that instead.
Voila! This picture doesn't make them look all that appetizing but I am telling you they are so good. For me, the best part of these is that a) i can eat them and feel like i'm having ice cream and b) because they are huge and frozen they kind of take forever to eat so you are giving yourself an excuse to eat dessert (if not a healthy-ish variety) for like an hour.


holy shit. me want.
Come see me and I will make you some :)
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