Fab mommy and fellow Angelino Lulu over at
Lulu in LA bestowed this very special award on me with the honor of sharing 7 random facts about myself for all the world to read. After, I pass the award on to 7 other inspiring bloggers. Hers were pretty nutty, (she had braces for 10 years!) so hopefully I can keep up.

1) I am probably the clumsiest person you will ever meet. In my life I have had multiple trips to the ER for burns and stitches (including 2 separate sets on my pretty mug), but I have yet to break any bones. Go me!
2) Despite this innate clumsiness I fancy myself a dancer and a yogi (yogina?). I love and have done both off and on my whole life. There's just nothing like groovin to the hot jams! If I really want to get in the mood, I put on Whitney Houston's "I wanna dance with somebody" and It. Is. On. You know one reason I have the world's best husband? Because he listens to, sings along with, and (if I'm really lucky) dances with me to poppy dance music like Shakira and Lady Gaga.
3) Speaking of my husband... He asked me out in 10th grade and I flat turned him down. What? He was a total trouble-maker! We were friends from that point on and 12 years later he asked me to marry him. That time I said most definitely YES. Our wedding was the best week of my life topped by the best day of my life. He's my everything. :)
4) If I HAD to narrow my favorite books list down to one (and it is a BIG list, I love reading and am considering going back to school to become a librarian), I would say my favorite book is East of Eden by John Steinbeck. It kind of blows my mind.
5) I have been to every continent on this great Earth except Antarctica or Australia. When I was a little kid it was my dream to be a traveling photojournalist for National Geographic. That, or a ballerina. Traveling is one of the things in life that really makes me feel alive. My passports is, thusly, one of my most prized possessions. We are planning a trip to Central America for next year and I AM SO PUMPED!
6) I used to teach high school art in downtown Los Angeles. Moral of the story: I'm tough yet sensitive. Don't mess with me.
7) I can speak 14 languages... PSYCH! But wouldn't that be amazing?
the real 7) My first real career aspirations were to become a costume designer. I interned/worked on tv shows (Hello! Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen junior high school era sitcom), in LA theater costume shops, at university theater shops and also at museum's costume departments. You know what I learned from all of this? Most costume design work is plain and simple sweatshop labor until you hit it big. I really love theater and miss having design work as such a big part of my life, but who knows, maybe one day I will hit it big without the slave labor portion of that particular career ladder ;)
Hope you enjoyed a mini-glimpse into my world. It was fun sharing. NOW... on to the nominations! If you have already been nominated or just dont feel like writing one, well good for you! But please consider my nomination a hearty slap on the back.
1) My pal Katie of
Bees and Bows
2) Lovely Lenore from
Punctuation Mark4) Mariah at
Size Too Small5)
The Zhush6) Elizabeth of
DapperPaper7) Shannon of
What's Up WhimsyHappy Weekend!!!