Operation Christmas Child provides children in need around the world with a small taste of the Christmas morning you and I most likely grew up enjoying. Participating in OCC is easy, all you need to do is fill an old shoe box (or you can pick up a special OCC shoebox to fill at some malls and other locations) with gifts and supplies for a child of a chosen age.

J and I are fortunate enough this year to be able to donate three shoe boxes. We are doing one for a boy and girl ages 5-9 and a tween girl aged 10-14. I have seen people at donation centers unload their whole cars with dozens of boxes, it is truly inspiring. If you do not know how to participate in Operation Christmas Child and would like to learn more, you can do so here.

Look at all this Christmas joy just waiting to bring smiles to kids' faces!

Don't forget the shoe box donation deadline is November 21! May I be the first to wish you a Merry Christmas!

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