Thursday, December 8, 2011

New York State of Mind

It is finally winter here in Orlando! The temp actually got down to 45 degrees this morning and more than anything, that just makes me want to be somewhere with true wintery Christmas magic... New York City! If only I were ice skating in Central Park today and then off to enjoy a hot apple cider and shopping spree along 5th Avenue.

I suppose I will take winter in Florida while I have it today. It's supposed to be 75 again tomorrow (what?! why?!) and I know a lot of the world would happily trade places with ME for a day in this weather. By the way.... When did it get to be December 8th? I am giving my final exam today and then most of my students are scampering home for the holidays or are off to cruises with their families. Really. Lucky little students.

How are you enjoying the early December weather in your neck of the woods?


Victoria said...

Started my Christmas cards today and put up my white and gold ornaments/decorations in the house and lights outside. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

MrsFord said...

YAY! I love your white and gold decorations. Our house is NOT so much looking like xmas just yet. Wasn't it just Thanksgiving like last weekend?!