But let's not get ahead of ourselves, alright. First things first:

I LOVE YOU AND CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU! (Oh yea, she's coming to Party City, USA this month too. Hopefully the weather is cooler than when she was out here last August but today it is supposed to be 85 so who knows!)
I love you mommers. Thanks for being the best mom a girl could ever ask for. I hope you liked your cake :D I'll either make you a real one when you're here or take you out for some true southern red velvet cake at The Briar Patch. LOVE YOU!

yayy happy birthday auntie!!!
happy bday to her!
Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes! I am a lucky lady.
and birthdays are fun.
I am going to grow my hair out, so that by the time I am 60 (in 2 years) my head with be covered with silvery hair, instead of just the roots.
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