My honey and I went for a little day trip to the quaint town of Mt. Dora, Florida to celebrate our <3... We snuck past the town's mandatory age limit of 65 (i think we were the only people in a 10 miles radius NOT collecting social security) and enjoyed the lake, coffee shops, antique shops and sweet shops the sleepy town had to offer.
We enjoyed the view of big beautiful Lake Dora from the "harbor" downtown where Bartholomew's Yesteryear Cruises take place (!) but SOME of us were a little too terrified to do much pier/lake exploring. Poor Teeny, he looks like he is being led to the plank.
After Mt. Dora we drove about 30 minutes to the tiny town of Yalaha, home of the world famous Old German Yalaha Bakery. Yea, we ate some.
Jonathon had a liverwurst sandwich (ew) and I had a turkey sandwich. I don't think either of us was super impressed with the deli although it was pretty good, just not mind blowing. It was so peaceful in tiny Yalaha, and the baked goodies... those were well worth the drive. Of course we had to try the goodies!
Happy Valentine's Day to my stomach! Below you will see strawberry rhubarb streusel, Swiss apple tarte and some spicy chocolate cookie/brownie amalgamation that was SCRUMPTIOUS.
It was a sweet day for sure. Hope your Valentine's was fantastic too!

that sounds like the most relaxing day ever!
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