I would have just bought this one as I think it sums the hubs and I up fairly well... BUT it looked kind of cheap and plasticy and I'm pretty confident I can make my own more "beach authentic" looking version. We will see, I have high hopes and big dreams and then when it comes to actually making things like this, but then I always avoid the work. I don't know why I do that to myself. Anyhow, I am in the SLOW process of converting our guest room from what we currently call "grandma's attic chic" to beach themed, so I am into this one big time.

Do you guys have Kirkland's? When we lived in California the only Kirkland's I knew about was Kirkland's Signature store brand products at Costco. That is NOT what I am talking about. Here in the South (and I'm assuming elsewhere?) there is a discount home good's store that I can literally peruse for hours. Some of the stuff in there is like, whoa! But generally there is a major score or two lurking around.
I thought these two framed pics were too great. Check the price on the one on the left! I should have just bought them but I have no use for them. I think they would be precious on the entrance to closet doors or on a double vanity but we don't really have those situations up in the Ford household. Good inspiration though, right?

Have a great day!

Those are signs that will make you Laugh!!!
I had a kirklands when I lived in iowa and you could find the best stuff there for SUCH good prices! the kahuna pic is hilarious :)
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