Things Currently Making My Life Sunshiney:
1) Two vacations with my honey buns in the past 3 short months
2) Spring has sprung! I can't wait for Easter.
3) The world's best Rockband 3 band: Big Jack and Blondie
4) Never ending Florida sunshine and rain
5) The most sweet romantic loving one year anniversary
6) Private in-office performances to my Pandora stations
7) Chai lattes... so many chai lattes
8) Sweet Baby G
9) The beach

Have a Great Weekend!

I love that G-Baby is on the list. You make his life sunshiney too!
Happy Friday and upcoming weekend!!
Yesterday we had 100 degrees in southern california, so I'm thankful for it cooling down 10 degrees or so today. BTW, when are you 2 lovebirds gonna fly out here?
2 vacations and none of them to south florida...interesting...
It's on the list Aim. Doesn't that make you feel good?!
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