Whether you will be cooking, eating, cheering or dancing with your head thrown back and your mouth wide open this Thanksgiving, blessings to you and yours! May you eat, drink and be merry always.
You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence. - Psalm 16:11
Hit Me Up.
I love to share ideas, information and inspiration with my readers. I especially love to feature weddings, DIY crafts, photography, style and shopping advice. If you have anything you think I will swoon over, please email me at becomingmrsford {at} gmail {dot} com. Thanks for reading!
Happy Thanksgiving Fords!!
Norman Rockwell is the man.
Did you get a photo of Jonathon changing the tire?
There's a memory.
Thankful you are my sissy!
I almost took a photo of him because he stripped down to his skivvies in a gas station so as to not ruin his nice outfit but it was just too sad...
thankful for you two kiddos :)
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