Over the weekend the groom and I went for a little non-wedding related mini-vaca to good ole Palm Desert. We do that. Of course we couldn't resist visiting the future site of our wedding reception! I took a few pics on my phone cam for you, please excuse the quality. Blogging really helps me to better organize my thoughts and picture how everything is going to flow.
Thanks for taking a mental walk with me!
Here's a few good views of the exterior of the
Commune, notice the garage door style glass doors... the pool... the mountains... ooooooh. ahhhhh.

The Jons playin a little paddle ball/the view from inside of the cocktail reception area outside.

I couldn't really envisage the layout of everything until this trip. Jon (that would be my honey Jon, not my uncle Jon pictured below) had some great ideas regarding the curtains you see in this pic.
We are going to use the curtain to the right as a backdrop to our head table, which will be positioned about where the table is in this photo with the dance floor in front. This will give us a seperate entry area for the guest book and gift table (yay, gifts!). I am going to see if they have any other color besides this dark denim, but if not, don't worry about it!
Remember my post about
luminarias? Of course you do. This is a view of the area everyone will enter and exit the Commune through and we plan to line it with lovely luminaries.

Tamales, anyone?