Although I have been seriously missing from my most favoritest blog here, there are many good reasons for my absence. What's that you say? You want to know WHAT the reasons are? Well, allow me to regale you.
Reasons! Namely... my new job across town from my husband's (did I mention we only have one car? sorry Mother Nature, it appears our carbon footprint is directly related to our bank account), secondly... visitors (huttah!), and thirdly... Jonathon and I have had so little time together during the football season that the last thing I want to do during our together time is to stare at my computer screen!
Please forgive me, won't you? I will be more back on track now. It's a mild promise. :)
So speaking of together time, today marks a very special day for yours truly and my main man. It is our 6 month wedding anniversary today!
Since our schedules are so wackadoodle lately, we decided to use our weekend to celebrate properly. Besides eating dessert 3 times a day (yea, I said 3 meals a day of dessert. Cinnamon coffee cake for breakfast, apple crisp for lunch and molten chocolate cake for dinner!), we also had a sunset picnic at one of Orlando's most beautiful parks and reminisced on our most recent 6 months. It is insane how many changes we have gone through in such a short amount of time. I can truly say we have never been stronger as a couple; it feels amazing to be married!
Gifts may have been involved...

Orlando's parks and lakes are GORGEOUS!
Especially at sunset...
Happy 6 Months of Marriage to Us!!!