J and I enjoyed checking out the new Santa Monica Place which was WAY fancier than I was expecting. Jonathon grew up near by so it was fun scoping out his old 'hood and all of the fanciness that it has since become. Had we been hungry there was a nifty little indoor market and outdoor patio seating up on the third floor here that would be a little slice of LA heaven for lounging in the sea air. As it stood we spent our time oogling the diamonds in Tiffany instead. ;) Priorities, you know?
Lucky for me I got a visit from my bro to Florida for my birthday back in May AND got to visit him in CA for HIS birthday in July. And it was not just any birthday, oh no friends... it was his 30th!!! OLD MAN ALERT! We killed two birds with one stone by taking him out for his bday to a nomlicious LA sushi joint. It was definitely one of the highlights of the trip for me. Love you bro!
Didn't I say something about a Dodger game earlier?! YES we <3 the Dodgers and hate the McCourts. This was for sure the emptiest Dodger game I have ever been to but that just meant better seats for us for a winning game! AND because its summer in the city we were treated to some very spectacular post-game fireworks. Jonathon's Godfather flew in from Colorado to see us and go to the game with us too, so I would say all in all the evening was a triple-play (haha, you're welcome).
As I mentioned yesterday, the rest of the trip was pretty much spent either eating, driving to eating or visiting with friends or family or driving to visit friends or family. There were also two afternoons of glorious pool lounging thrown in there as well that pretty much made the trip complete. We tried to balance the hustle of seeing as many people as possible with a little actual relaxing since we have both been working so hard. I think we did a decent job. Thankfully we went last week and not this to avoid CARMAGEDDON. That was a very hot topic amongst our LA friends during our trip.
The rest of the pics are just of us pre or post eating at various food type establishments. Like I said, priorities, you know?
We had an amazing trip, got to spend lots of QT with our lovies and got to see our favorite city in the whole US of A. We're blessed people, what else can I say?!
Now it's back to REALITY. Waaa waaaa. I do have plenty more pics on my phone to share with you all. They are mostly of, you guessed it, food so you have that to look forward to soon!

1 comment:
your life. SO FUN. I want to come visiiiit the LA!
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