Since Christmas I have been on a bit of a whirlwind trip out to Cali for my grandma's funeral and to see my lovely fam. My gram's funeral was beautiful, especially the part where my cousin Amanda sang and played the guitar. She has a beautiful voice, she should let it out more often! It was good to lay her ashes to rest in the same collumbarium with my gramps and to think of them happy together again.
I am off on a plane again today to see my wonderful husband who I have missed SO SO SO much. I was trying to remember when we were apart for even one night and I think besides the night before our wedding, it was actually back in 2007. Eek, it was so weird to be in LA without him. The following pics are horrible horrible examples of why I need an iphone as they were taken on my Blackberry, also from circa 2007. More from my actual camera to ensue shortly... if I could only find my camera cord...
It was great to get some chillin time at my grandparent's house with my cousins. They're the cutest.
Two of the Los Angeles things I miss most: Hugo's Tacos and my brother... not necessarily in that order :)
Hope you're enjoying some down-time too!!